Tmp_Soda_music vol.10 セットリスト:2012/6/9分

■Tmp_Soda_music vol.10 セットリスト:2012/6/9分

Artist  / Title [ Album title : Format ]

Ben Watt [North marine drive:LP]

the Style council / You're the best thing [Cafe blue:LP]
Everything but the girl / When all's well [S.T:12"]
Water walk / Oh so a charmed life [S.T:LP]
Summer suns / Brighter than the sun [Calpurnia:LP]
Newcolours / Out of love [Be serious!:LP]

Lightships / Sweetness in her spark [Electric cable:LP]
Teenage fanclub / I need direction [S.T:7"]
re-Peat / Good old days [Northbound:CD]
Swag / Lone [Catch-all:LP]

the School / Never thought I'd see the day [Reading too :LP]
Allo darlin' / Capricornia [Europe:LP]
the Pains of being pure at heart / Stay alive [S.T:LP]
Wallflower / Stargirl [Filled with flowers:CD]
Exlovers / Just a silhouette [S.T:CD]

the La's / There she goes [S.T:LP]
the Pale fountains / Something on my mind [S.T:12"]
Dislocation dance / You'll never never know [S.T:12"]
the Jazz butcher / Who loves you now? [Distressed gentlefolk:LP]

the Orchids / Peaches [Epicurean:LP]
Blueboy / the Joy of living [Unisex:LP]
Another sunny day / Horseriding [London weekend:LP]

Dylan mondegreen / Faint sound of surf [While i wolk you home:CD]
Destroyer / Kaputt [Kaputt:LP]
Phoenix / If I ever feel better [S.T:12"]
Manceau /Little by little [Life traffic jam:CD]
Tahiti 80 / 1000 times [Wallpaper for the soul:CD]

Top sound / Ruin a good thing [S.T:LP]
Choo choo train / Briar rose [S.T:12"]
the Brights / Tonight we won't be divided [a Trilial pursuit:CD]
Venus peter / Every planets son [Space driver:LP]
Primal scream / Sonic sister love [Sonic flower groove:LP]
Razorcuts / a Contract with god [Storyteller:LP]
18Wheeler / Suncrush [S.T:12"]

Chelsea / Spring 86 [Eserve aux cclients:LP]
Tracy Thorn [a Distant shore:LP]

Artist  / Title [ Album title : Format ]

USTREAM: Tmp Soda Music
Indie pop,Guitar pop,Neo-aco,and more! インディ・ポップ、ギターポップ、ネオアコなどを掛けています。






[FST] Firestation Recordsコンプリートへの道 (4) The Sound Of Leamington Spaシリーズ
